Monday, April 9, 2012


Crafts with buttons 

The selected haberdashery materials for this activity are buttons. 

- Buttons 
- Hairpin 
- Glue 

 - To appreciate one’s own art products and those of others
 - To identify the external characteristics of the objects and materials which will be used.
- To produce a craft in order to develop fine manual craft. 
- To participate with other mates/partners in art creation. 
- To appreciate and respect the others’ contribution to a common task. 
- To realise how different materials and techniques can be gradually used. 
- To know the properties of some materials which we find around us and to be able to use them with creativity, art and fun, 

Activity development: 
Each child will have a hairpin and six buttons. Each one chooses the buttons colour to combine them according to their taste and create their own hairpin. After selecting the button, they spread some glue on the hairpin and stick the buttons one beside the other. To prevent the hairpin from getting stuck with the glue during the process, a small piece of cardboard should be placed in the middle. After all buttons are stuck to the hairpin, let dry gently. This procedure can also be used for a headband. 

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