Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Italian sweet art

A group of pupils Lia, Valentina and Lorenzo are discussing what they should create with sweet ingredients.
Cristina, the educator is guiding them.
The common idea is to represent one of the most famous monuments of our town, for this reason they are looking for help in a brochure.

They all agree on the Statue by Herny Moore in S. Marco Square.

The pupils are thinking about how to represent the chosen monument on a poster and they are deciding what they need to buy in order to make it.
They need:
· sugar cubes(as white as the marble statue),
· icing sugar, flour and water for the pastry that will represent the field,
· biscuits will be bought to make the houses,
· candies will be used to make the windows,
· red wheels and candy canes for the roofs,
· tempera paints, brushes, glue and a cutter.
The most important ingredient will be the capability not to eat the materials!!!

The pupils are thinking about how to represent the chosen monument on a poster and they are deciding what they need to buy in order to make it.

Pupils are drawing a sketch with pencils.
They begin to stick sugar cubes

Serena is helping us to make the pastry

They are painting the sky with blue.

Cristina is creating the grass with the masher.

They are building houses with biscuits, windows with candies, roofs with jellies.

Vissia shouts :  "Ehi, a lot of material has gone here!!!
Who has eaten the red wheels?"


Our artwork is ready. Pupils are showing it proudly to their friends.