Saturday, December 17, 2011

Italian metal artwork: Repousse on copper

Repousse is a metalworking technique in which a malleable metal is ornamented or shaped to create a design in low relief. There are different metals you can use such as drawn steel, silicon bronze, copper, gold, silver or pewter. Steel tools are used to work the metal, they have a very thin, slightly rounded end. Pupils discuss about what they could create with metals. Alessio studies  repousse on copper in art history:  <<the copper engraving is a very old form of art, that dates back to ancient Greece, Celts and Egyptians>> he tells Elisa. That's why they both decided to realize copper handmade works. They need sheets of copper, engraving and soft surface. They want to reproduce the school logo, that is an open book surmounted by a feather, enclosed in the emblem of the Italian Republic. Below there is the Latin Inscription "Plenis Velis".

Soon we will pubblish the foto of the framed works. be continued

...that's the final result

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