Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bulgarian textile craft works

Weaving is an ancient craft. Weaving culture in Bulgarian lands has been witnessed since the VI - V century before Christ. Weaving skills passed down from generation to generation in the family circle. Girls are growing up near the loom. In the past grown girl alone produced her dowry. Longing to a weaver homey and its creative instinct rise weaving skills to a level of artistic creativity. This tradition can be seen today on the craft street “Samovodska charschiya” in Veliko Tarnovo.

Pupil with special education needs of Professional School of Tourism „Dr. Vasil Beron" in Veliko Tarnovo working made of textile. Her helping rehabilitator of visually impaired students.
school loom, needle, healthy cotton thread, cotton yarn, scissors, beads.
Making the base

Winding the yarn on the shuttle

Removing the woven cloth of the loom
Decorating with beads