Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bulgarian Salty Food


0,700 ml lukewarm water
0,40 g yeast
0,10 g salt
0,05 g sugar
2 eggs
butter (for spread)
0,500 g white brined cheese

We are dissolving the yeast, salt and sugar in the water. Then we are putting the whites of the eggs, shaking up and adding flour bit by bit. We are kneading soft dough. Then we are dividing it in six balls. We are rolling out one of the balls, greasing it with butter and putting it at the side. Then we are rolling out second ball and putting it on the first. We are rolling out again and we are greasing with butter. Then we are sprinkling with white brined cheese. We are making a hole in the middle of the dough sheet and we are rolling into periphery. We are making a ring and we are cutting off, rolling and putting it in greasing large baking dish. We are repeating the same activities for the other balls. When the cheese pasty is orderly in the large baking dish, we are greasing it with butter and we are leaving it to rise. Then we are greasing the cheese pasty with mixed yolks of the eggs whit bit water and oil. Finally we are putting it in cold oven, warming up to 200-250 degrees and baking.

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